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Mom, I Don't Feel Good...

These are the words every parent hates to hear, but if you're like most, guarding your children's health goes beyond just feeling well. You want your kids to have super-charged immune protection, critical brain development nutrients and specific ingredients designed for their growing bodies.

Children have specific needs when it comes to nutrition. And in the days of "on the go" fast food and sugary snacks at school, they don't often get the proper nutritional foundation that'll help carry them through their adolescent years.

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A Boost Of Healthy Energy – On Demand!

In today's fast-paced world, we're juggling more tasks in less time than ever before.

From the moment we wake up in the morning until our heads hit the pillow at night, life is like a movie stuck in "fast forward."

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Building A Solid Nutritional Foundation Is
Vital To Your Overall Health

Nutritionists and doctors alike are beginning to discover that it doesn't matter how old you are, whether you're male or female, whether you have ailments or are as healthy as an ox...

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2009/6/29 那一夜 半夜我孤獨流淚的在台北中山北路馬偕醫院,我被醫生推出搶救室..醫生告訴我你哥目前很危險血液氧濃度只剩40%很危險目前要緊急插管,我眼淚忍不住的流嚕下來.這是我第一次那麼難過,男兒有淚不輕彈但我不知為何一直流心中一直求觀世音菩薩救救我親愛的大哥,原本他2009年4月就要移民美國前往西雅圖與家人相聚(我是放棄移民選擇在台灣與胸懷全中國)只是他留下來多陪我一個多月,但也因他這重症讓他無法移民嚕.

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